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Air Quality Division: Preventing Air Pollution: Air Pollution Control Programs: Voluntary Diesel Control Programs

Voluntary Users of Tier 2 and Tier 3 Nonroad Diesel Equipment in Area A and Area B

In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 49-558 (House Bill 2538-2001 Regular Session ), the following have voluntarily purchased Tier 2 and Tier 3 nonroad diesel equipment. "Tier 2 and Tier 3 equipment" is defined as equipment that meets the Tier 2 or Tier emissions standards for nonroad diesel engines as established in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Section 89.112 , as amended on October 23, 1998.


Responsible Person or Entity Equipment Type and Quantity Date of Purchase or Retrofit Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (Pollutant/Tons)
Total Estimated Annual Emission Reductions  
Estimated Improvement to Visibility  


Responsible Person or Entity Equipment Type and Quantity Date of Purchase or Retrofit Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (Pollutant/Tons)
Total Estimated Annual Emission Reductions  
Estimated Improvement to Visibility  

The determination that a person or entity has documented the purchase of or retrofit of Tier 2/Tier3 nonroad equipment in no way constitutes an endorsement of that person or entity. Neither the state of Arizona, nor the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) nor their officers, directors, agents or employees, guarantee the performance of a person or entity included on this list.

Voluntary Implementation of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel in Area A and Area B

In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 49-558 (House Bill 2538-2001 Regular Session ), the following have voluntarily purchased Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel. "Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel" is defined as fuel that meets the highway diesel fuel sulfur control requirements pursuant to rules that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency adopted in Federal Register Volume 66, Number 12 on January 18, 2001.


Responsible Person or Entity Equipment Type Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (Pollutant/Tons)
Total Estimated Annual Emission Reductions  
Estimated Improvement to Visibility  


Responsible Person or Entity Equipment Type Estimated Annual Emission Reductions (Pollutant/Tons)
Total Estimated Annual Emission Reductions  
Estimated Improvement to Visibility  

The determination that a person or entity has documented the use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel in no way constitutes an endorsement of that person or entity. Neither the state of Arizona, nor the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) nor their officers, directors, agents or employees, guarantee the performance of a person or entity included on this list.
