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Air Quality Division: Compliance: Emissions Inventory Reporting

An emissions inventory is an accounting of all air pollutant emissions released into the atmosphere. This accounting forms the basis for air quality planning that occurs at county, state and national levels.

Pursuant to Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 2, Section 327 (R18-2-327) , any source that is subject to a permit requirement should complete and submit an annual emissions inventory questionnaire to ADEQ. A current air pollutant emissions inventory of both permitted and non-permitted sources within the state is necessary to evaluate air quality program effectiveness and to asses emission fees.

ADEQ is responsible for preparing and submitting an emissions inventory report to the U.S. EPA for sources and emission points prescribed in Code of Federal Regulations, Part 40, Section 51.322 (40 CFR 51.322), and for sources that require a permit under Arizona Revised Statute 49-426. ADEQ requires that the annual inventory questionnaire contains the actual quantity of emissions from permitted emission points and fugitive emissions as provided in the permit.

ADEQ assesses fees based on the actual emissions submitted in the emission inventory for sources under ADEQ jurisdiction pursuant to A.A.C. R18-2-326 . This inventory comprises those sources under state jurisdiction emitting 1 ton/year or more of any individual regulated air pollutant, or 2.5 tons/year or more of any combination of regulated air pollutants as defined in A.A.C. R18-2-101.92 .

Emission Inventory Training

The Air Quality Division conducts annual workshops about the development and compilation of an emissions inventory.

Emission Inventory Notifications

ADEQ will send out updates and notifications related specifically to the annual emission inventory process. To subscribe for these updates and notifications, sign up here, and select the ‘Annual Emission Inventory Questionnaire’ sub-topic under ‘Air Quality Division.’

Questions regarding emission inventories can be directed to:
[email protected]
(602) 771-2373

Emissions Inventory Guidance Documents

  • Arizona Emission Inventory Guidance and SLEIS User Guide -- (PDF)

Reporting Forms

Due Date: June 1, 2016

For the 2015 reporting year, ADEQ has developed an Excel© reporting form. This file combines all of the individual reporting forms from prior years.

If you cannot use the new Excel© reporting form, alternate versions are available in PDF format. These can be printed out and completed by hand. Please note that when using the PDF forms you need only report your operational data (activity levels, throughputs, hours of operation, etc). ADEQ will take this information and compute your emission totals. ADEQ will contact you if additional information is needed.

  • Alternate 2015 Reporting Forms
    • Air Curtain Incinerator -- (PDF)
    • Cotton Gins -- (PDF)
    • Perc Dry Cleaners -- (PDF)
    • Rock Products -- (PDF)
    • Soil Vapor Extraction -- (PDF)
    • Misc Sources -- (PDF)

Once completed, signed copies must be mailed to:

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Air Quality Division
Attention: State Implementation Plan Section
1110 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007