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Air Quality Division: EPA Clean Power Plan Stakeholder Process

To view the most updated information on the CPP Stakeholder Process, visit our new website at http://azdeq.gov/clean-power-plan-cpp

The EPA announced on June 2, 2014 a proposed rule called the EPA Clean Power Plan that requires states to develop plans to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from existing fossil fuel fired power plants. EPA finalized the Clean Power Plan rule on August 3, 2015.

States have until September 6, 2016, to transmit a final plan or an “initial submittal” to EPA. If EPA approves the initial submittal, the deadline for submitting a final plan is extended to September 6, 2018.

The EPA has the authority to adopt a federal plan for states that do not develop their own by the applicable deadline. On August 3, 2015, EPA also proposed a Federal Plan for review.

The proposed Clean Power Plan would have required Arizona to achieve a 52 % reduction in the CO2 emissions rate for affected power plants and to achieve about 90 % of that reduction by 2020. The reduction for Arizona was much more stringent than the reductions proposed for our neighbors in the West and was among the most severe imposed on any state.

As a result, at least in part, of extensive comments and technical data submitted by ADEQ and Arizona stakeholders, the reduction required has been reduced to 34 %, and the timeline for achieving that reduction is much more gradual.

To sign up for future ADEQ EPA Clean Power Plan notices, click here.

ADEQ's approach to implementing the Clean Power Plan in Arizona consists of three phases.

Phase I (August 3, 2014 - December 1, 2014)

The first phase of the CPP implementation process began in August 2014 with the initial scoping and research of the proposed CPP rule with the intent of providing comments related to EPA’s goal setting methodology and the impacts the proposed interim and final goals would have on the state. ADEQ held a series of technical workgroup meetings with affected sources and the Arizona Corporation Commission as well as larger stakeholder meetings to receive feedback from all interested parties. Comments were due to EPA by December 1, 2014. Information related to Phase I stakeholder meetings, including meeting agendas, notes, and presentations as an outcome of the technical workgroup meetings can be found here.

Phase II (December 1, 2014 – August 3, 2015)

Phase II began on December 1, 2014, after comments were submitted to EPA and ended when the EPA finalized the Clean Power Plan and proposed a Federal Plan on August 3, 2015. Because states were to be provided a year to develop and submit their initial plans to EPA, ADEQ and the CPP stakeholders continued working to respond to EPA’s initial proposal. During this second phase, ADEQ began developing a menu of compliance options that could be used in the later phases of plan development. ADEQ continued meeting with stakeholders to help conceive potential options for responding to EPA’s Clean Power Plan. ADEQ also began work with a technical work group to assist with analyzing the options. Information related to Phase II stakeholder meetings, including meeting agendas, notes, and presentations can be found here.

Phase III (August 3, 2015 - September 6, 2016)

Phase III began on August 3, 2015 when the EPA finalized the Clean Power Plan Rule to cut carbon pollution from existing power plants and was originally scheduled to end on September 6, 2016, the date an initial submittal was due. However, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay of the rule’s effectiveness on February 9th, 2016.

ADEQ has decided to slow, but not stop, work on the Clean Power Plan. The department will focus on creating a “time capsule” to capture the progress made to date.

Information related to Phase III, including the meeting schedule and past agendas, notes, and presentations can be found here.