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Waste Programs Division: Community Involvement and Outreach

To view the most updated information on Form and Guidance, visit our new website at http://www.azdeq.gov/cab.

ADEQ is committed to involving citizens in the remediation of the hazardous substance contamination at sites throughout the state. The community involvement effort is based on two-way communication designed to keep citizens informed about site progress and give them the opportunity to provide their concerns, issues, and opinions to assist ADEQ in determining the best way to move forward with the remediation of the site. Interested parties can review site information online on the site specific web page and at the ADEQ Record Center located at 1110 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona. Please contact (602) 771-4380 or (800) 234-5677 ext. 6027714380 for hours of operation and to schedule an appointment. To review site information at a location near you, please contact the designated Community Involvement Coordinator.

Community Involvement for Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) Sites

Within the Arizona Revised Statutes, there are several provisions for community involvement at WQARF sites. These provisions ensure that the public is informed of remedial action work that may be of interest to them and is provided an opportunity to be directly involved in the process that leads to the determination of the final cleanup for a site.

For those sites where ADEQ may conduct a remedial investigation and feasibility study, a number of community involvement requirements must be met. The primary requirements are the creation of a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) for the site, the formation of a Community Advisory Board (CAB), numerous notices, and public meetings to be held statewide.

Community Advisory Boards (CAB)

An important method for ADEQ to communicate with the public at Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) sites is through the creation of CABs. ADEQ forms a CAB for each WQARF Registry site where a remedial investigation is implemented. The main duty of a CAB is to advise ADEQ and the public of issues and concerns related to the remediation of the site. CABs will:

  • provide comments to ADEQ on cleanup goals, specific cleanup methods and other issues related to the site,
  • represent a diversified cross section of the community in and around the site,
  • participate in outreach to the community, and
  • may make site visits if desired.

Community Advisory Board (CAB) Activities

CABs meet at least four times a year with representatives from ADEQ and receive up-to-date information about a project's status. Representatives from ADEQ provide the CAB with any needed technical explanations and facilitate discussion of the community's issues and concerns. The CAB may make site visits, participate in public meetings, and coordinate with ADEQ to produce newsletters and establish information repositories for public use. In addition, CABs are required to elect officers and develop a charter. CAB members share information they have learned with their fellow community members and ask the community for feedback in order to ensure that all views are represented.

How are CABs established?

By Arizona statute, CABs are composed of five to 20 members who represent a diversified cross-section of the community, including interested parties and affected groups. Initially, these members are chosen from applications that are reviewed by a selection committee composed of an ADEQ representative, a local elected official, two community members and an interested party (an owner or operator of a facility within the site or an affected business or industry). It is preferred that members are willing to make at least a one year commitment to serve on a CAB. Determining terms of service, filling vacancies, electing officers and other membership related decisions are made by the CAB members through the CAB's charter.

How do I apply?

For existing CABs, contact the appropriate CAB co-chairpersons for further information. For a list of established CABs please contact Remedial Projects. Where CABs are not formed, application forms are available in conjunction with the supply of fact sheets and other notices to the community members associated with the site location. Simply complete the application and return it by the requested date to ADEQ, as directed in the application. CAB members are only selected from applications that are received.

Community Involvement for Superfund and Department of Defense (DoD) Sites

Sites addressed under the federal Superfund or the Department of Defense programs are also required to conduct community involvement and public notice activities. Please contact the individual site project manager or community involvement coordinator for information on community involvement activities at these sites.

Meetings and Public Notices

Information about the various meetings managed or attended by the Superfund Programs Section is arranged by topic and date. Where available, agendas for individual meetings may be referenced by clicking on the meeting title. For past meetings, when available, the notes or minutes from the meetings can be read by clicking on the meeting title. You may also sign up to receive e-mail notices and other documents.

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