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Water Quality Division: Engineering Review: Sewage Collection Systems Review

The section provides details on how to submit an application for a Construction Authorization or a Discharge Authorization for Sewage Collection Systems. A Construction Authorization is a permit that allows an applicant to construct a sewage collection system, and a Discharge Authorization is a permit that allows an applicant to discharge to a downstream sewage collection system or a wastewater treatment plant after construction and final testing have been completed.

Sewage collection systems comprise pipelines, manholes, pumping stations, force mains, and all other structures and devices that collect and transport sewer from residential, commercial and industrial buildings to a sewage treatment facility or to an on-site wastewater treatment facility. The approval of the installation of sewage collection systems is conducted by the engineering review unit within the Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) program of the Water Quality Division.

ADEQ Form 222 is the Completeness Review Guide for Engineering Review that provides a quick overview of the requirements for application submittals for Subdivisions, Sewage Collection Systems, and On-site Wastewater (Septic) Treatment Facilities. In addition, applicants must consult the Delegation Agreement Matrix to determine where the application must be submitted. The Application Fees section can be used to determine the applicable fees for this type of application. Information on the maximum length of time that ADEQ is allowed in order to process this type of review can be found under Application Processing Times.

As detailed in ADEQ Form 222, the primary components necessary to obtain a Construction Authorization Permit are:

  • Sewage Collection System Construction Plans
  • Application forms
  • Design Report
  • Capacity Assurance Certifications

The primary components necessary to obtain a Discharge Authorization Permit are:

  • As-built Plans
  • Application forms
  • Engineer's Certificate of Completion


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Design Standards

Several material, construction, and testing standards are referenced by rule for sewage collection systems. Listed below are some of the commonly utilized standards but is not exhaustive of all the standards referenced by rule.

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Rules and Statutes

The Arizona Secretary of State maintains the current rules that are used by the Engineering Review Section. The ER Program has sectioned the rule for ease of reading.

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Where to File Your Application

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality actively maintains delegation agreements with various counties and cities. This agreement authorizes the local agency to act and process applications on ADEQ's behalf.

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