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Education and Outreach: Suggested Reading

Check online or with your local libraries and bookstores to view these titles and many more.

Books for Younger Children and Students

50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth by The Earthworks Group, 1990.
Provides children with experiments and facts about saving the planet. (Ages 6-11)

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle by Susan Jeffers, 1991.
Reinforces the importance of all creatures on the earth. (Ages 3-6)

Caring for Our Air by Carol Greene, 1991.
This book uses simple text and illustrations to describe air pollution and to explain ways children can help. (Ages 5-8)

Desert Giant: The World of the Saguaro Cactus by Barbara Bush, 1989.
This introduction to desert ecology discusses the desert along with the animals and people who depend upon it. (Ages 7-11)

Empty Lot by Dale H. Fife, 1991.
In this book about preservation, the owner of an empty lot decides to leave it the way it is rather than sell it. (Ages 5-8)

Garbage and Recycling: Environmental Facts and Experiments by Rosie Harlow and Sally Morgan, 1995.
Provides kids with fun facts and experiments for learning about the environment. (Ages 7-10)

Going Green: A Kid's Handbook to Saving the Planet by John Elkington, et al, 1990.
This general guide to environmental issues includes an A to Z list of things kids can do to save the environment. (Ages 7-11)

The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rainforest by Lynne Cherry, 1990.
Rainforest animals convince a man not to chop down a Brazilian Kapok tree. This story is illustrated with vivid pictures. Ages 5-8)

Heron Street by Ann Warren Turner, 1989.
A rhythmic tale of progress, the losses it has caused in nature and the wonders it has made possible for people. (Ages 6-9)

A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman, 1984.
A series of rhymed ideas about the nature of houses ends with the idea that the Earth is everyone's home. (Ages 5-8)

How Green are You? by David Bellamy, 1991.
In this book children will learn that by saving water, preserving habitats, keeping the air clean, saving plants and animals from extinction and conserving energy they can help make the planet a healthier place. (Ages 5-9)

Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsberg, 1990.
After dreaming that the Earth was overrun by pollution, a little boy sees the sense in sorting trash.(Ages 3-6)

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, 1971.
This tale explains how greed and pollution destroys fertile lands despite the warnings of the Lorax. (Ages 4-8)

The People who Hugged the Trees: An Environmental Folktale by Deborah Lee Rose, 1990.
In this folktale, the courage of an Indian village convinces the maharajah to spare the forest. (Ages 6-10)

Professor Noah's Spaceship by Brian Wildsmith, 1980.
Professor Noah takes all the animals away from the Earth to save them from pollution.(Ages 4-8)

Where Does the Garbage Go? by Paul Showers, 1994.
Discusses how much waste is created and how it is recycled and landfilled. (Ages 3-6)

Who is the Beast? by Keith Baker, 1990.
The rhyming text of this book describes all the creatures in the jungle in an effort to teach children to coexist with nature and the environment. Ages 2-5)

Who Really Killed Cock Robin? An Ecological Mystery by Jean Craighead George, 1991.
Saddleboro was a proud ecology-conscious community with clean air and green skies. When Cock Robin dies, the town realizes that all is not well within the community. Ages 8-12)

The World that Jack Built by Ruth Brown, 1991.
This story is based on the nursery rhyme The House That Jack Built with an environmental message about the affects of pollution. Ages 6-8)

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Books for Older Kids and Young Adults

Carton, Cans, and Orange Peels: Where Does Your Garbage Go? by Joanna Foster, 1991.
Discusses garbage and trash with recycling as the preferred method of disposal.(Ages 9-12)

Ecology for Every Kid: Easy Activities that Make Learning Science Fun by Janice Van Cleave, 1996.
Teaches facts, concepts, and problem-solving strategies through exercises, experiments and other activities. Topics include garbage, ozone, ecosystems, water and more!(Ages 9-12)

The Environment: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion by William Dudley, 1990.
Part of the Opposing Viewpoints Series, this book assists students to increase their critical thinking skills and provides them with background information for debates and oral reports. Ages 10-14)

Environmental Diseases by Jon Zonderman and Laurel Shader, 1995.
Discusses current studies on the influence of environmental factors on health and disease.(Ages 11-15)

Environmental Science: High-School Science Fair Experiments by H. Steven Dashefsky, 1994.
Provides background, overview, a materials list, processes, analyses, and suggested research for projects. Ages 15-17)

Every Day is Earth Day: A Craft Book by Kathy Ross, 1995.
Presents 20 Earth Day related crafts that kids can make from everyday materials.(Ages 9-12)

Gale Environmental Almanac edited by Russ Hoyle, 1999.
Contains in-depth essays covering a wide range of environmental issues. Topics include environmental history, political aspects, government, science, business and much more. Ages 14 and up)

Garbage and Recycling by Kathlyn Gay, 1991.
Discusses issues of garbage and recycling with examples of the efforts of individuals, corporations and communities to either produce less waste or recycle. (Ages 12-17)

Global Resources: Opposing Viewpoints edited by Charles P. Cozic, 1997.
Sets out different viewpoints on the nature and extent of depletion of the Earth's resources. (Ages 14 and up)

A Green World? by Nicola Baird, 1998.
Provides a balanced overview of opinions on all sides of the debates about energy, pollution, recycling and the environment.(Ages 12 and up)

Grolier Illustrated Library of the Environment by Brian Knapp, 1995.
This six volume set discusses the Earth, energy, industry, weather, conservation and much more. (Ages 12 and up)

Hazardous Waste by Lila Gano, 1991.
Discusses the scope, legislative angles, and human health aspects of the hazardous waste problem as well as ways to deal with the issue. (Ages 12 and up)

How on Earth do we Recycle... (4 books with various authors), 1992.
Each book in this series covers a separate topic - glass, plastic, metals, and paper. After discussing how to recycle the materials, the book explains how to use the materials for craftprojects.(Ages 9-11)

M.C. Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton, 1974.
Fifteen-year old M.C. Higgins has to decide between escaping the encroaching strip-mining slag heap or fighting for the beautiful mountains he loves. This book was a Newbery Award winner. Ages 11-16)

Reference Guide to Clean Air by Cass R. Sankak, 1990.
Contains short articles on pollutants, technology and laws concerning clean air.(Ages 12-17)

Water Pollution by Kathlyn Gay, 1990.
Discusses many aspects of water pollution noting clean-up, conservation, and management efforts.(Ages 14 and up)

When the Stars Begin to Fall by James Lincoln Collier, 1986.
When Harry White decides to investigate his dad's claim that a local factory is polluting the river, he learns a valuable lesson about personal and civic responsibility in relation to environmental issues. Ages 12 and up)

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Books for Parents, Teachers, and Adults Interested in the Environment

2000 Conservation Directory by the National Wildlife Federation, 1999.
This annual directory lists government agencies, citizens' groups, and educational institutions concerned with natural resource management.

The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology, 1971, and Making Peace with the Planet, 1990, by Barry Commoner.
These works illustrate how everything is connected to everything else.

E for Environment: An Annotated Bibliography of Children's Books with Environmental Themes by Patti K. Sinclair, 1992.
This is an excellent resource for teachers or parents looking for children's books about the environment. It is arranged topically and provides in-depth descriptions and reviews of hundreds of titles.

Earth Child 2000: Early Science for Young Children by Mary Sheehan and Mary Waidner, 1997.
This book is filled with activities, stories, games, and experiments for small children and is suitable for families, pre-schools and others working with young kids.

Earthwatching III: An Environmental Reader with Teacher's Guide by the Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 1990.
This compilation of short scripts about nature and environmental issues is accompanied by ateacher's guide that explains how to use this resource from the elementary to the high-school classroom.

Ecology in Education edited by Monica Hale, 1996.
This academically oriented book explains the status, progress, and underlying concepts of ecological education both in the U.S. and abroad. This book will be of interest to teachers and researchers.

Environment: A Primary Teacher's Guide by Don Plimmer, et al, 1996.
Provides teachers of the elementary grades with the scientific background needed to feel comfortable teaching environmental science.

In Praise of Nature edited by Stephanie Mills, 1990.
This work offers brief reviews of important works in American environmental literature.

Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac, 1997.
This collection of Native American legends provides parents and teachers with the structure for teaching about environmental issues.

Man and Nature: or Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action by George Perkins Marsh, 1864 (more recent reprints exist).
This treatise was one of the first to challenge the notion that the Earth's natural resources were superabundant and inexhaustible.

Nature for the Very Young: A Handbook of Indoor and Outdoor Activities by Marcia Bowden, 1989.
This handbook uses a seasonal arrangement to present nature activities for use by preschool educators and parents.

A Primer for Environmental Literacy by Frank B. Golley, 1998.
This source discusses key concepts of environmental science for non-scientists and includes reading lists for topics covered.

Raising an Earth Friendly Child: The Keys to Your Child's Happy, Healthy Future by Debbie Tilsworth, 1991.
This work provides parent guided projects for children ages three to twelve.

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold, 1949 (more recent reprints exist).
This series of essays on nature and the value of natural places cultivates an ecological conscience.

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, 1962.
This book about the dangers of indiscriminate use of DDT and other pesticides is often creditednwith influencing the modern environmental movement.

Sisters of the Earth edited by Lorraine Anderson and Mary Asher, 1991.
This is an anthology of poems, essays, stories and journal entries about nature as seen through the eyes of women. Includes an annotated bibliography.

State of the World by Lester R. Brown, et al, (annual).
This very readable series focuses on becoming a sustainable society and on current global environmental issues. The most recent edition is for 1998.

Teaching Kids to Love the Earth by Marina Lachecki Herman, et al, 1991.
This collection of activities is meant to nurture feelings about the natural world rather than to just teach facts.

Walden; or Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau, 1854.
Thoreau's work is a cornerstone of American environmental literature.

World Resources by the World Resources Institute, (biennial).
This is a comprehensive source of current data on environmental problems and issues with an international scope. It is encyclopedic in format and content. The 1998-99 edition is the most recent installment.

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