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AAQGArizona Ambient Air Quality Guidelines
AACArizona Administrative Code
AARArizona Administrative Register
ACBMAsbestos Containing Building Material
ACMAsbestos Containing Material
ACPArizona Conservation Program
ACRTFAdministrative Completeness Review Time Frame
ACTSAsbestos Contractor Tracking System
ADEQArizona Department of Environmental Quality
ADHSArizona Department of Health Services
ADOTArizona Department of Transportation (or DOT)
ADRAlternative Disputer Resolution
ADWRArizona Department of Water Resources (or DWR)
AFISArizona Financial Information System
AGFDArizona Game and Fish Department
AGLAgricultural Irrigation
AHERAAsbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AHWMAArizona Hazardous Waste Management Act
AIPAuto Ignition Point
ALARAAs Low As Reasonably Achievable (radiation dose)
ALJAdministrative Law Judge
ALRAction Leak Rate
AMAActive Management Area
AMCArizona-Mexico Commission
AMIGOArizona Mexico International Green Organization
AMPUAArizona Municipal Power Users Association
AMWUAArizona Municipal Water Users Association
ANPRAdvanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APAAdministrative Procedure Act
APAFAir Permit Administration Fund
APPAquifer Protection Permits
AQDAir Quality Division
AQFAir Quality Fund
ARARAppropriate, Relevant and Applicable Requirements
ARSArizona Revised Statues
ASFCArea of Similar Farming Conditions
ASHARAAsbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act
ASRACArizona Superfund Response Action Contract
ASTHOAssociation of State and Territorial Health Officials
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
AWBAArizona Water Banking Authority
AWQSAquifer Water Quality Standards
AWRABArizona Water Resources Advisory Board
AWSAssured Water Supply Program
AWWAAmerican Water Works Association
AZACTSArizona Alternative Compliance and Testing Study
AZIPSArizona Integrated Planning System
AZPDESArizona Pollution Discharge Elimination System
AZURITEArizona Unified Repository for Informational Tracking of the Environment

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BACTBest Available Control Technology
BADCTBest Available Demonstrated Control Technology
BARTBest Available Retrofit Technology
BCTBest Conventional Pollutant Control Technologies
BEACH (Act)Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health
BECCBorder Environment Cooperation Commission
BEMPBest Environmental Management Practices
BEPCBinational Emergency Planning Committee
BGCBorder Governor's Conference
BGSBelow Ground Surface
BHWBiohazard Medical Waste
BLMBureau of Land Management/Border Liaison Mechanism
BLSBelow Land Surface
BMPBest Management Practices
BMRBaseline Monitoring Report
BODBiochemical/Biological Oxygen Demand
BPBoiling Point
BPTBest Practices Technology
BTEXbenzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes
BTUBritish Thermal Unit

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CAAClean Air Act
CACCommunity Action Council
CAFO/AFOConcentrated Animal Feeding Operation/ Animal Feeding Operation
CAGRDCentral Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District
CAPCriteria Air Pollutant/Central Arizona Project/Corrective Action Plan
CASChemical Abstract System
CASFSCertificate of Approval for Sanitary Facilities for Subdivisions
CAUCarbon Absorption Unit
CAWCDCentral Arizona Water Conservation District
CBGCleaner burning gasoline
CBIConfidential Business Information
CDCCenter for Disease Control
CDDChlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin
CDFChlorinated dibenzofuran
CDMCase Development Memorandum/Central Data Management
CECCross-media Compliance and Enforcement Committee
CEICompliance Evaluation Inspection
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CESQGConditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator
CFACivilian Federal Agency
CFMCubic Feet per Minute
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CFSCubic Feet per Second
CGICombustible Gas Indicator
CGPConstruction General Permit
CHMMCertified Hazardous Material Manager
CHRISChemical Hazard Response Information System
CIPCapital Improvements Plan/Compliance Incentive Program (EPA)
CISWICommercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator
CLIMECreative Leadership and Innovative in Managing the Environment
CLPContract Laboratory Program
CMPCentral Monitoring Program
CMRAConstruction Materials Recycling Association
COConsent Order
COAPAESComision de Agua Potable y Alcantarillo del Estado de Sonora (State of Sonora's DW and Sewage Commision)
COCChain of Custody/Chemicals of Concern
CODChemical Oxygen Demand
COEU.S. Army Corps of Engineers
COMCommittee of Reference
CPMCore Performance Measures
CTSCentral Tracking System
CWAClean Water Act
CWSCommunity Water Systems

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DADelegation Agreement
DAFDilution Attenuation Factor
DBPRDisinfectants/ Disinfection Byproducts Rule
DEURDeclaration of Environmental Use Restriction
DMRDischarge Monitoring Report
DODissolved Oxygen
DOADetermination of Applicability
DOT(Arizona) Department of Transportation (or ADOT)
DQAData Quality Assessment
DTSDocument Tracking System
DWR(Arizona) Department of Water Resources (or ADWR)

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EAEnvironmental Assessment
ECCEngineer's Certificate of Completion
ECOSEnvironmental Council of the States
EDBEthylene Dibromide
EDCEthylene Dichloride
EERExcess Emissions Rate
EFEfficiency or Emissions Factor
EHEEmployees Helping Employees
EISEnvironmental Impact Statement
EJEnvironmental Justice
EMSEnvironmental Management System
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
EPCRAEmergency Planning and Community Rite to Know Act
EQAEnvironmental Quality Act
ESPElectrostatic Precipitator
ETVEnvironmental Technology Verification

Exceedance is the amount by which something, especially a pollutant, exceeds a standard or permissible measurement (The American Heritage Dictionary).

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FAMFriable Asbestos Material
FBRRFilter Backwash Recycling Rule
FERCFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
FIDFlamible Ionization Detector
FIFFederal Implementation Plan
FIFRAFederal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
FMLAFamily Medical Leave Act
FMPFirst Management Plan
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FONSIFinding of No Significant Impact
FOSTTAForum on State and Tribal Toxins Action
FRFederal Register
FSFeasibility Study
FSPField Sampling Plan
ft blsfeet below land surface

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GADAGreater Arizona Development Authority
GCGas Chromatograph
GFGeneral Fund
GISGeographical Information System
GITAGovernment Information Technology Agency
GIUGeneral Industrial Use Permits
GPCDgallons per capita per day
GPHUDgallons per housing unit per day
gpmgallons per minute
GPRAGovernmental Performance Results Act
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GRDGroundwater Replenishment District
GRUSPGranite Reef Underground Storage Project
GSAGroundwater Storage Account
GSFGroundwater Savings Facility
GUACGroundwater Users Advisory Council
GWRGround Water Rule

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HAPHazardous Air Pollutants
HEPAHigh Efficiency Particulate Air
HIHazard Index
HLRWHigh Level Radioactive Waste
HOCHalogenated Organic Compound
HRISHuman Resources Information Solution
HRSHazard Ranking System
HSWAHazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
HWHazardous Waste
HWGHazardous Waste Generator
HWICUHazardous Waste Inspections and Compliance Unit
HWMAHazardous Waste Management Act
HWPUHazardous Waste Permits Unit

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IAGInter-Agency Agreements
IAWGInter Agency Working Group
IBWCInternational Boundary and Water Commission
ICAPIrrigation Conservation Assistance Program
ICEInspection, Compliance & Enforcement
IDIrrigation District
IDLHImmediately Dangerous to Life and Health
IEDAIrrigation and Electrical Districts Association
IFCIInternational Fire Code Institute
IGAIntergovernmental Agreements
IGFRIrrigation Grandfathered Right
INAIrrigation Non-Expansion Area
IMSIrrigation Management Service
IOCInorganic Contaminant/Chemicals
IOIInternational Outfall Interceptor
IPAGInstitutional Policy Advisory Group
IPMIntegrated Pest Management
IPPInstitutional Provider Program
IRISIntegration Risk Information System
IRPIrrigation Restoration Program
ISDSInformation Systems Development System
ISDUInformation Systems Development Unit
ITInformation Technology
ITACInformation Technology Authority Committee

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JLACJoint Legislative Audit Committee

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LAERLowest Achievable Emissions Rate
LAULower Alluvial Unit
LC50Lethal Concentration
LD50Lethal Dose
LDRLand Disposal Restriction
LDULand Disposal Unit
LELLower Explosive Limit
LEPCLocal Emergency Planning Committee
LLRWLow Level Radioactive Waste
lqgLarge quantity generators
LSCRRPLower Santa Cruz River Replenishment Project
LTFLicensing Time Frame
LUSTLeaking Underground Storage Tank

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MACTMaximum Achievable Control Technology
MAGMaricopa Association of Governments
MAPMonitoring Assistance Program/Model Accreditation Plan
MAUMiddle Alluvial Unit
MBAMigratory Bird Act
MCLMaximum Containment/Contaminant Level
MCLGMaximum Containment Level Goal
MGDMillion Gallons per Day
mg/lmilligrams per liter
MMTRMulti Media Toxic Reduction
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MPMelting Point
M&RMonitoring and Reporting
MRDLMaximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal
MRLMinimum Reporting Level
MS4Municipal Separate Storm Water System
MSMass Spectograph
MSCPMulti Species Conservation Program
MSDAMaterial Safety Data Sheet
MSHAMining Safety and Health Administration
mslmean sea level
MSWMunicipal Solid Waste Program
MSWLFMunicipal Solid Waste Landfills
MTBEMethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MWCMunicipal Waste Combustors
MWIMedical Waste Incinerators

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NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standards
NCAPCNational Childhood Asthma Prevention Campaign
NEPANational Environment Policy Act
NEPPSNational Environmental Performance Partnership System
NESHAPNational Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NFPANational Fire Protection Association
NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NISTNational Institute of Science and Technology
NOCNotice of Correction (Notice of Opportunity to Correct)
NODNotice of Disposal
NOHSCPNational Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan
NOINotice of Intent
NOTNotice of Termination
NOVNotice of Violation
NPCCPNon-Per Capita Conservation Program
NPDESNational Pollution Discharge Elimination System
NPLNational Priorities List
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission/ National Response Center
NRCSNatural Resources Conservation Services
NRTNational Response Team
NSCEPNational Service Center for Environmental Publications
NSFNational Science Foundation
NSPSNew Source Performance Standard
NSRNew Source Review
NWRANational Water Resources Association

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OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
OSCOn-Screen Coordinator/Office of Special Counsel
OTFOverall Time Frame

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P2Pollution Prevention
PAHPolynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PAMSPhotochemical Assessment Monitoring Station
PASEPerformance Appraisals for State Employees
PCBPolychlorinated Biphenyl
PCEPerchloroethylene (also known as tetrachloroethylene)
PCWAPinal County Water Augmentation Authority
PDAPlanned Depletion Allowance
PDHProfessional Development Hours
PDQPosition Database Questionnaire
PELPermissible Exposure Limit
pHMeasure of Corrosivity
PIDPhoto Ionization Detector
PIJProject Investment Justification
PLACEPoint Line Area or Conceptual Existence
PLMPolarized Light Microscopy
PMParticulate Matter
POCPoint of Contact
POTWPublicly Owned Treatment Works
PPAPerformance Partnership Agreements
PPBParts Per Billion
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPGPerformance Partnership Grants
ppmParts Per Million
PRCPolicy Review Committee
PRPPotentially Responsible Party
PSDPrevention of Significant Deterioration
PVGPCProvisional Verification of General Permit Conformance
PWCPrivate Water Company
PWSPublic Water Systems
PWSSPublic Water Supply System

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QAQuality Assurance
QCQuality Control
QMPQuality Management Plan

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RAPRemedial Action Plan
RBCARisk-Based Corrective Action
RfCReference Concentration
R&DRecycling Research and Development
RACTReasonably Available Control Technology
RAVIReasonably Attributable Visibility Impairment
RCMReasonable Conservation Measure
RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act
REMRoentgen Equivalent Man
REPPRegional Effluent Planning Project
RFPRequest For Proposal
RIRemedial Investigation
RODRecord of Decision
RPResponsible Party
RQReportable Quantity
RRAReclamation Reform Act
RSEDRAReclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act

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SARSoil Absorption Rate
SARASuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization
SAFState Assurance Fund
SAWARASouthern Arizona Water Rights Resources Association
SAWSRASouthern Arizona Water Rights Settlement Act
SCRSite Report Characterization
SDWASafe Drinking Water Act (Federal)
SEMARNATSecretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de Mexico (Mexico's Secretariat for Urban Infrastructure and Natural Resources)
SIDSewer Improvement District
SIPState Implementation Plan
SIUE Sonora's Secretariat for Urban Infrastructure and Ecology
SLSState Laboratory Services
SMARTSpecific Measurable Achievable Results Oriented Time Specific
SMCLSecondary Maximum Containment Level
SMPSecond Management Plan
SMRFSelf-Monitoring Report Form
SNCSignificant Noncompliance
SPCCSpill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan
SPOState Procurement Office
sqgSmall quantity generators
SOCSynthetic Organic Chemical
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SRLsSoil Remediation Levels
SRPSalt River Project
SRTFSubstantive Review Time Frame
SVOCSemi Volatile Organic Compound
SWAPSource Water Assessment Program
SWLFSolid Waste Landfill Facility
SWMUSolid Waste Management Unit
SWPSpecial Waste Program/Source Water Protection (program)
SWPPPStorm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
SWQSSurface Water Quality Standards
SWEEPRSolid Waste Environmental Enforcement, Permitting and Recycling System

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TACTechnical Advisory Committee
TCLPToxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
TDSTotal Dissolved Solids
TLVThreshold Limit Value
TMDLTotal Maximum Daily Load
TPHTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TRIToxic Released Inventory
TRCTechnical Review Criteria
TRWCTucson Regional Water Council
TSCAToxic Substances Control Act
TSDTreatment, Storage, or Disposal
TSDFTreatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility
TSSTotal Suspended Solids
TSUTechnical Support Unit
TWATime Weighted Average

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UAUUpper Alluvial Unit
UELUpper Explosive Limit
UICUnderground Injection Control
ULUnderwriters Laboratories
UOPUsed Oil Program
USFUnderground Storage Facility
USTUnderground Storage Tank
UWSUnderground Water Storage, Savings, and Replenishment Program

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VEIVehicle Emissions Inspection
VEMURVoluntary Environmental Mitigation Use Restriction
VGPCVerification of General Permit Conformance
VOCVolatile Organic Compounds/Chemicals
VRPVoluntary Remediation Program

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WAPAWestern Area Power Administration
WCMPWater Conservation Management Program
WCPAWater Consumer Protection Act
WESTARWestern States Air Resources Council
WGAWestern Governors' Association
WIFAWater Infrastructure Finance Authority (of Arizona)
WISERWeb site for Ideas and Solutions on Environmental Information and Regulatory Innovations
WPDWaste Programs Division
WQARFWater Quality Assurance Revolving Fund
WQDWater Quality Division
WQFFWater Quality Fee Fund
WQMDAWater Quality Management Delegation Agreements
WQSWater Quality Standards
WRAWaste Reduction Assistance
WRAPWestern Regional Air Partnership
WRITEWaste Reduction Initiatives Through Education
WSRWaste Shipment Record
WTPWater Treatment Plant
WWTFWastewater Treatment Facility
WWTPWastewater Treatment Plant

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XNCExtreme Noncompliance

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