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Newsroom: Press Release Archive: August 2005
  • Aug. 4, 2005: Arizona Performance Track Applications Are Now Available
  • Aug. 3, 2005: UPCO to Cease All Open Burning at North Phoenix Facility

Arizona Performance Track Applications Are Now Available

PHOENIX (Aug. 4, 2005) -- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Director Steve Owens announced today that ADEQ is now formally taking applications for the Arizona Performance Track program, a voluntary partnership between ADEQ and businesses that recognizes and rewards environmental leadership.

"Arizona Performance Track is designed to encourage companies to go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the law," said Owens. "We are looking forward to working with businesses that are good environmental stewards."

Owens launched the Arizona Performance Track effort in March. ADEQ will be accepting applications for inclusion in the program during two periods each year: February 1 - April 30 and August 1 - October 31. ADEQ also coordinates application reviews with the other participating departments - the air quality departments of Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties.

The Arizona Performance Track is modeled after a national Environmental Protection Agency program. Benefits of participating in the Arizona Performance Track include reduced inspection frequency, flexibility of permit conditions and consolidation of reporting requirements. In order to be eligible for the program, a company must demonstrate a history of compliance, a comprehensive environmental management system and a pollution prevention program.

"We are committed to Arizona Performance Track," said Owens. "Companies participating in the program receive many benefits in recognition of their commitment to environmental protection. The program also allows ADEQ to protect public health and the environment more effectively."

Companies can apply for Arizona Performance Track and EPA Performance Track on ADEQ's Web site.

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UPCO to Cease All Open Burning at North Phoenix Facility

PHOENIX (Aug. 3, 2005) -- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Director Steve Owens announced today that the Universal Propulsion Co., Inc (UPCO) will permanently stop all open burns at UPCO's facility in North Phoenix.

In October 2004, UPCO entered into a Consent Order that required the company to stop open burning, submit air dispersion modeling and pursue other disposal options. UPCO has informed ADEQ that after researching alternative means of disposal, the company has obtained permission from the federal Department of Transportation to ship all reactive wastes to off-site treatment, storage and disposal facilities, eliminating the need to burn the material on-site.

"We are pleased that there will be no more open-burning at the UPCO facility," Owens said.

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