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Air Quality Division: Compliance: Inspections and Compliance Reporting

Field Services


  • Emissions Inventory Reporting

  • Excess Emissions Reporting Form - Emissions in excess of an applicable emission limitation set in the Arizona Administrative Code or in the conditions of a permit shall be considered a violation. The facility responsible for the emissions exceedance shall have an affirmative defense if the exceedance was the result of an emergency and reported within 24 hours of the discovery of the exceedance. Additionally, a follow-up report containing more detail must be postmarked within 72 hours. This information is entered into a database to determine trends in the causes of the emission exceedances and may assist facility operators by alerting about possible equipment problems at the facility. The excess emission reporting form is provided to assist sources that must report excess emissions to the Air Quality Compliance Section by ensuring complete and accurate information is provided to ADEQ. Please fax or mail the completed form to the attention of the Technical Services unit manager, Air Quality Compliance Section.

  • Equipment Transfer Form (Move Notice) - ADEQ must be notified of all portable equipment transfers. Notification for portable sources with individual permits is required at least 10 working days prior to the transfer, in accordance with R18-2-324.D. Portable sources with general permits and registrations are required to provide general notice prior to the equipment transfer. This form can be submitted as notification of transfer, start-up or stop for portable sources and stationary sources. Notification should be sent to the attention of the Field Services Unit Manager, Air Quality Compliance Section.

  • Certification of Truth, Accuracy, and Completeness - This certification form must accompany all forms sent to the Air Quality Division's Compliance and Permitting Sections.

Technical Services Unit

The Technical Services Unit is responsible for general technical analysis for the compliance section by completing the following tasks:

  • Review draft Air Quality Permits for enforceability;
  • Recommend issuance or denial of permits;
  • Review periodic submittals of compliance reports, such as:
    • Excess Emission Reports
    • Quarterly Reports
    • Compliance Certifications
  • Analyze excess emission reports to determine compliance trends;
  • Identify potential violations either through review of compliance reports or through routine inspections;
  • Develop enforcement cases;
  • Provide technical assistance to other Air Quality Division sections;
  • Develop an all-inclusive Air Quality Division data system for management of permitted facilities and divisional business practices.

Technical Services Unit Emissions Inventory Team

The Emissions Inventory Team directs and maintains the state Emissions Inventory Program of State-regulated stationary and portable sources.

The Emissions Inventory includes sources emitting 1 ton/year or more of any individual regulated air pollutants, or 2.5 ton/year of any combination of regulated air pollutants.

See Also: