Welcome to the Help Center
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality web site has many features to help you navigate pages quickly to find the content you're looking for. This Help Center provides details about the navigational links that can be found on every page and additional resources to help you use this site effectively. We welcome your input as we strive to improve all of our services.
Navigating the web site
- Click the ADEQ logo to link directly to the main ADEQ home page.
- Explore the division pages using the drop-down navigation menu at the top of every page (Air Quality, Waste Programs and Water Quality). Hover over a division to view sub-topics to choose from.
- Check out the left sidebar to browse by category.
- Check out the right sidebar we have provided links to the most common requests, services, and topics. Located on the main home page only.
- Check the Calendar for public notices, hearings, meetings and other ADEQ events. View by day, month or event, or use the internal search tool. Sign up for e-mail reminders for events you don't want to miss. Located in the upper-right corner of every page.
- Subscribe to email/text notifications to receive the latest news, alerts, and updates delivered directly to your email or mobile/wireless device.
- Contact Us offers consolidated lists of key agency personnel who can help answer questions and offer assistance. Located in the upper-right corner of every page.
- Use the Search tool located near the upper-right corner of every page, to explore the entire ADEQ Web site. Enter a search term in the text box and then click the "SEARCH" button to view the results.
- Use the Site Map for quick reference. Located at the bottom of every page.
- Web policies have been initiated to help you understand your rights and to ensure a user-friendly web site. Located at the bottom of every page.
- Email Our Web Masterto report technical difficulties. Located at the bottom of every page.
- Links to external Web sites are noted by this small icon:

- Portable Document Files (PDF) are the most common documents throughout this Web site. In order to view and print PDF files, you must have the latest version of PDF reader software on your computer such as, Adobe Reader
and FoxIt Reader both are free.
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