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Air Quality Division: Permits: Title V Permit Tracking
Title V Approval Status
The State of Arizona received full approval for the federal Title V permit program, established by the 1990 federal Clean Air Act Amendments effective November 30, 2001. This program requires major stationary sources of air pollution to obtain operating permits that assure compliance with all applicable federal air pollution control requirements.
Title V Permit Activity
Title V is a portion of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, which outlines the Operating Permits Program. The Operating Permits Program was made into law to uniformly limit the emissions from major sources of criteria air pollutants throughout the United States, requiring states to implement permit programs at least as stringent as federal requirements to avoid federal sanctions. A default federal permit program is implemented in those states that fail to implement their own federally-approved permit program, ensuring that all major sources must comply with the applicable Federal Clean Air Act regulations. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the power to overrule state permit decisions to ensure compliance.
Under Title V all major sources must apply to the state in which the source resides for an Air Quality Control Permit. These sources must submit plans showing compliance with all the applicable Clean Air Act regulations. The state must then review the plans and application for compliance and subsequently draft a permit. The permit must be reviewed by the following: appropriate regulatory agencies, nearby states (when applicable) and by the U.S. EPA.