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Assign duties to volunteers/make volunteers aware of recycling collection containers for their own recyclables (plastic bottles, cans, etc.).


Assign a person responsible for taking photos during the event.


Ensure that Volunteer Registration Forms are signed.


Meet with contractor and volunteers, on-site, on morning of the event (before it begins) to discuss logistics and safety.


Meet and define the roles of volunteers and staff 30 minutes before the start of the event.


Provide water jug and cups.


Provide refreshments for volunteers, and set up table away from collection area (if possible).


Provide trash and recycling area for volunteers/e-waste collection staff.


Have volunteers sign in and out.


Provide volunteers who will be directing vehicles with orange vests and flags.


Take photos during the event to be made available to media, ADEQ and other entities for post event promotion.


Ensure that event leadership is adhering to the standard operating procedures outlined within this toolkit.


Notify local authorities if traffic backs up onto the main streets and highways.



Information regarding the Tools to Help Arizona Border Communities Reclaim Resources Project is within the guidelines of the Border 2020 Program funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and administered by BECC.